Emotional Interactive Installation-Taste the City I -情感互动装置 – 城市的味道
18. August 2020
This series of works explores the tension between human emotions in relation to human physical changes,memory and urban spaces. By putting the city landscape like architectures or public artworks into alcohol bottles, it meant to invite the viewers to recall the taste of each city.
The installation invites the audience to take different types of alcohol while providing the multiple city symbols on the installation screen. By choosing the different shape/taste of alcohol bottles , the audience recall the feeling towards different city according to the taste of alcohol. By combining the different bottles into various urban landscape, it reveals the connection between human emotional memory of a city to the sense of taste.
At the same time, it also aims to reflect the different political and social issues regarding postcolonial environment among different cities. The city I currently choose are: Shanghai, Beijing and London. I will try to develop this series as an ongoing project associated with more cities for future art practice.
这一系列的作品意在探索人体生理变化、对于城市空间情感记忆之间的关系。通过将建筑或公共艺术品之类的城市景观放入酒瓶中,作品邀请观众品尝不同的酒, 在体味不同口味的酒的同时,邀请观众组合该味道与城市印象的作品。每个城市由不同的城市地标组成,在组合不同地标建筑与代表不同感受的雕塑作品,意在连接观众品酒口感与公共空间记忆的关系。
情感释放-1 伦敦城市水墨雕塑 2020
情感释放 2 – 上海城市水墨雕塑 2020
云端城市 – 伦敦城市水墨雕塑 2020
杀死一只知更鸟 -北京城市水墨雕塑 2020
雨中的伦敦- 城市水墨雕塑2020
情绪释放-3 北京水墨雕塑2020