镜子篇与其找一面镜子,不如找一个人,冲他看。找不同的人。老、幼、肥、瘦,等等。选自小野洋子《葡萄柚》1964 春Mirror PieceInstead of obtaining a mirror,obtain a person.Look into him.Use different people,Old, young, fat, small, etc.By Yoko Ono, Grapefruit1964 spring高畅她毕业于清华大学美术学院雕塑系。现工作于中央美术学院中国公共艺术研究中心,曾参与《中国公共艺术大展》文献研究与筹备,现参任北京商业核心区CBD公共艺术规划,青龙胡同艺术激活项目,以及国家课题《中国公共艺术发展史》的研究等。Gao Chang graduated from the department of Sculpture at the Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University. Currently she works at the Public Art Research Center of China – China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Chang is currently participating in several projects, such as the Public Art Activation Project at Qinglong Hutong, the Public Art Planning for the CBD (Beijing). She is also doing research on the national subject: China Public Art Development History.虽然经历了严谨的写实雕塑训练,艺术表达对于她的意义远超作品本身的美感。美固然重要,但雕塑更似一门她能流利讲述的语言,搭建了她与观众之间沟通的桥梁。Despite her excellent training in realistic sculpturing, the meaning of her art expression extends far beyond the expression of beauty. Aesthetics is undoubtedly important. But sculpture is more like a language that Chang freely utilize to communicate with her audiences.
《秘密的表面・新生》 Secret Surface-New BornGao Chang 2016她的作品,能够勾起人们天赋的动物本能与欲望,亦可似铜镜般,在诉说独有之美与故事的同时,让人们从中照见自己,从各个角度反观自身,进而调整姿态。
Her works have the potential to provoke our inherent instincts and desire. By introducing her unique way of doing art, her works also act like a bronze mirror, which invites the viewers to see their own reflections, not only physically but also psychologically. Through her works, the audience can reflect upon themselves, and adjust the way they face their life. 工作日的她是“地上“学术研究严谨务实的艺术研究员,周末的她是“地下”艺术区没有艺术无法呼吸的艺术工作者。藏不住的情绪欲望、女性主义乃至人文修养,在作品中展现地淋漓尽致。她的作品并非是单方面的个人表达,活跃于公共艺术领域的她更为在意人们对于作品感知的程度。During weekdays, Chang works “above ground” as a rigorous and pragmatic art researcher. On weekends, she goes to her “underground” art studio, relying on the air of art to breathe and survive. Her true Self has been embedded in all her art pieces, which show a strong sense of humanity, feminism, as well as the ups and downs of emotions. Chang doesn’t regard art as a simple tool for personal expression. As an active participant in the realm of public art, she pays more attention to how well the audience is connecting with the artwork.几乎可以肯定的是,你的情绪色彩,会随着她一幅幅作品的呈现而转变、融合与交织。It is certain that, by going through Chang’s artwork from one slide to another, the colors of your emotions will also be transformed, mingled and interweaved.“孤单的一代在艺术中找到安慰,艺术的水银照见不同的自己。” ——高畅“A lonely generation finds comfort in art. Through seeing into the mercury of art, everyone finds a different self.”– Chang Gao延伸阅读