Beauty Inside 《笙歌韶乐在其中》
20. March 2016
系列木雕作品以等比例女式内衣胸罩为创作题材,以木为材料进行创作。胸罩,是西方女权运动的象征,同样是当下男权社会女性处于被观赏位置的典型体现元素。“梅兰竹菊”被称为“傲、幽、坚、淡”的“花中四君子”品质。作品将当下日常生活用品与传统材料、传统文化相结合,呈现一种对日常经验的置换与反思。“笙歌韶乐在其中”一句选自诗经,意味美好的事物在里面,借以表达商品社会下女性被观赏的地位的内在隐喻与反讽。 Five types of flowers: the blossom of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum and lotus, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum symbolizing respectively pride, dignity, serenity, strength and mildness as the five central types of gentleman’s characteristics in Chinese traditional culture. The combination of five kinds of “gentleman’s patterns” with lady’s bra and underwear represents woman’s position as being watched under the consumerism culture, and the ironic meaning of “Beauty Inside”.…