《遮蔽你的不只是双眼》 此件作品将《笙歌韶乐在其中》中的一件作品《笙歌韶乐在其中·菊》进行抽离与演变,将其进行倒置与并置与镜子之上,其作品自身在呈现出倒影幻觉的同时,镜子中的倒影更是让观众进一步理解“遮蔽你的不只是双眼”,而是作为日程经验的“意识”,正如法国艺术家让·迪比费所讲“人类将自己放在了经验积累的监狱里”,此件作品既是对于日常经验与意识的反思与解构。 Your Vision isn’t impeded Only By Eyes   2014  Mixed materials 100x100x80cm This series is derived from one piece of the series work: Beauty Inside – Chrysanthemum. It further develop the question that how our understanding and awareness shape our perception. I put two pieces of Beauty Inside – Chrysanthemum upside down in two boxes of glass, and separate them from a mirror. Audiences usually think the lower…

“人类对混乱感到恐怖至极, 通过搭建雨伞来区别自己与这愈发混乱的世界。他画雨伞的底部就像天上的苍穹,乱转,生活,并死于这把保护伞之下。死后留给他的子孙,这把伞成了一个圆顶,拱顶,直到人们最终开始觉得有什么东西不太对劲。” D.H. 劳伦斯 “In his terror of chaos, (man) begins by putting up an umbrella between himself and the everlasting chaos. Then he paints the underside of his umbrella like a firmament. Then he parades around, lives, and dies under his umbrella. Bequeathed to his descendants, the umbrella becomes a dome, a vault, and men at last begin to feel that something is wrong.” D.H. Lawrence   《秘密的表面》系列作品 意义总是与厚度相联系,这有意地将表面去意义化。人与事物如果缺乏复杂性与强度就会被认为是肤浅。《秘密的表面》系列作品颠覆这个逻辑,在这个并不尽如人意的世界,不将任何精神性的表征当作理所当然,而是将“表面”构想为认知和感受主体与对外部世界的位置。…

固定思维与成长型思维,你是哪一个? Fixed mindset vs growth mindset which one are you? 《秘密的表面》系列作品 意义总是与厚度相联系,这有意地将表面去意义化。人与事物如果缺乏复杂性与强度就会被认为是肤浅。《秘密的表面》系列作品颠覆这个逻辑,在这个并不尽如人意的世界,不将任何精神性的表征当作理所当然,而是将“表面”构想为认知和感受主体与对外部世界的位置。 《Secret Surface》 Meaning is associated with depth, which implicitly tends to devalue the surface; people and things lacking complexity and intensity are seen as superficial. SECRET SURFACE reverses this logic, and presents works that do not take any kind of spiritual afterworld for granted alongside unsatisfactory reality, but conceive of flatness as the location of experience itself, both…

   《Secret Surface-New Born》 Meaning is associated with depth, which implicitly tends to devalue the surface; people and things lacking complexity and intensity are seen as superficial. SECRET SURFACE reverses this logic, and presents works that do not take any kind of spiritual afterworld for granted alongside unsatisfactory reality, but conceive of flatness as the location of experience itself, both in terms of subjectivity and towards the outer world. “In…

This series of works tries to express the basic emotions that human all share, and explore the relationship between emotions, individual experience, collective unconscious and the form of materials. It comes up with a question that whether the audiences’ empathy can actually be provoked by the specific forms of materials with using “supernormal stimuli” (which psychiatrist Deirdre Barrett from Harvard University coined the term) or not, regardless of individual difference…

系列木雕作品以等比例女式内衣胸罩为创作题材,以木为材料进行创作。胸罩,是西方女权运动的象征,同样是当下男权社会女性处于被观赏位置的典型体现元素。“梅兰竹菊”被称为“傲、幽、坚、淡”的“花中四君子”品质。作品将当下日常生活用品与传统材料、传统文化相结合,呈现一种对日常经验的置换与反思。“笙歌韶乐在其中”一句选自诗经,意味美好的事物在里面,借以表达商品社会下女性被观赏的地位的内在隐喻与反讽。 Five types of flowers: the blossom of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum and lotus, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum symbolizing respectively pride,  dignity, serenity, strength and mildness as the five central types of gentleman’s characteristics in Chinese traditional culture. The combination of five kinds of “gentleman’s patterns” with lady’s bra and underwear represents woman’s position as being watched under the consumerism culture, and the ironic meaning of “Beauty Inside”.…

My work Gender: Not Defined just talked about how the injustice of gender influenced the decision making during the process of abortion and how the determining factor of gender deprived women’s chance of living. In China, doctors are not allowed to tell the pregnant women what the sex of the foetus is until giving birth, just for decreasing the rate of abortion. The gender difference in society like China, played…

      联合国发展署(UNDP)2009年发表报告估计:“亚洲每年约有9600万名女性因遭杀害、堕胎、疏于照顾从这个世界上“消失”,该数字似乎还以绝对值在不断上升。“ 生命的绝对生命权利,来源于对生命尊严的敬畏。《世界伦理宣言》规定四项伦理底线:”不许杀人,不许欺骗,不许奸淫,不许偷盗。“ 然而传统观念依然变相剥夺人们的生命,尤其是女性的生命。       作品《性别:不详》以胎儿发育过程为载体,以垂直排列及方块拜访两种方式,探讨人与生存空间的关系,生命个体在体制中生存状态的探讨,对生命选择、生命尊严、性别在生命选择过程中的影响等问题的思考。“体制、制度、观念”即像这作品中的玻璃器皿一样,虽然透明看不见,却有着不可逆行的社会“游戏规则”。 2010 Mixed materials 200x300x250cm The series of work Gender: Not Defined represents different stages of the fetus when their gender has not defined yet. This series of works is inspired from the report of UNDP(2009) that almost 9.6 billion women worldwide die of abortion, abandoned and the lack of nursing every year. This phenomenon was especially serious happen in Asian such as China and India. It means…

      联合国发展署(UNDP)2009年发表报告估计:“亚洲每年约有9600万名女性因遭杀害、堕胎、疏于照顾从这个世界上“消失”,该数字似乎还以绝对值在不断上升。“ 生命的绝对生命权利,来源于对生命尊严的敬畏。《世界伦理宣言》规定四项伦理底线:”不许杀人,不许欺骗,不许奸淫,不许偷盗。“ 然而传统观念依然变相剥夺人们的生命,尤其是女性的生命。       作品《性别:不详》以胎儿发育过程为载体,以垂直排列及方块拜访两种方式,探讨人与生存空间的关系,生命个体在体制中生存状态的探讨,对生命选择、生命尊严、性别在生命选择过程中的影响等问题的思考。“体制、制度、观念”即像这作品中的玻璃器皿一样,虽然透明看不见,却有着不可逆行的社会“游戏规则”。 2010 Mixed materials 200x300x250cm The series of work Gender: Not Defined represents different stages of the fetus when their gender has not defined yet. This series of works is inspired from the report of UNDP(2009) that almost 9.6 billion women worldwide die of abortion, abandoned and the lack of nursing every year. This phenomenon was especially serious happen in Asian such as China and India. It means…

According to Daniel Karniman, Thinking Fast and Slow, he defines the intuition is opposite of rationality, which belongs to sensational parts of human. My definition of art, art is the suggestion of a world beyond, which transcendent our daily life. Just as the work shows, the finger of a hand point to the center of annual ring, which symbolizes the intention of transcendence the time and space. The hole of…

《张爱玲》85x40x30cm  2011年 石膏 花来衫里,影落池中。 欢从何来,端然忧色。 生得相亲,死亦无恨。   《林徽因》 65x55x40cm  2011年 石膏 一身诗意千寻瀑。   The Woman Statue Series This series of works expresses the famous women figure from different countries and times, like Virginia Woolf, Chinese female architect Lin Huiyin, Chinese famous female writer Zhang Ailing, Chinese female revolutionary Qiu Jin. I try to express personal way of understanding, by experiencing different female identities.

Destruction 《拆》

20. March 2016

《拆》综合材料 2009年 100x100x80cm 以女性柔弱的手连接具有强大能量的挖土机,挖土机预示着强大的生命力,却以温柔的方式进行对待。金木水火土乃世间万物的基本组成方式,五行之水是其中最柔弱却是最具清洗与生命方式的元素。当拆解与重建充斥我们的生活,拆至最基本“水”的元素,人类将何去何从?《拆》意在表达对人与自然、生存空间关系的思考与反思。 Dismantle  Mixed Materials 2009 100x100x80cm This piece of work connects a powerful excavator with a female’s soft hand. The excavator symbolizes the strong vitality, but the female’s hand indicates the way that Chinese people’s attitude toward pressing issue. “Mental”, “wood”, “water”, “fire”, and “earth” are the basic components for constructing everything in Chinese culture. The component of water is of tender but vital feature. So I…