Gender: Not Defined 《性别:不详》
20. March 2016
2010 Mixed materials 200x300x250cm
The series of work Gender: Not Defined represents different stages of the fetus when their gender has not defined yet. This series of works is inspired from the report of UNDP(2009) that almost 9.6 billion women worldwide die of abortion, abandoned and the lack of nursing every year. This phenomenon was especially serious happen in Asian such as China and India. It means that there are nearly 10 billion women were killed because of the idea that boys are superior than girls. The work Gender: Not Defined used different ways of presenting the infants, representing different state of the conditioned mind. It not only influences our way of thinking, but also deprives billions of women’s lives. The glass box showed in the works symbolises the particular society in which we grow up, the particular ideology with its dogmas, traditions and the vast influence of culture and society. Although the glass boxes are transparent, no one can break the rules of society.
My work Gender: Not Defined just talked about how the injustice of gender influenced the decision making during the process of abortion and how the determining factor of gender deprived women’s chance of living. In China, doctors are not allowed to tell the pregnant women what the sex of the foetus is until giving birth, just for decreasing the rate of abortion. The gender difference in society like China, played significant role in educational level, job seeking, even for living right.
Meanwhile the work Gender: Not Defined also reflects on the question how the gender technology influenced our decision of family member’s lives. The shape of the art piece: red cubes with fetes – transparent square glass boxes symbolise the rule and technology, which not only facilities our life but also kill people’s lives because of the gender inequality.
《性别:不详》综合材料 2010年
联合国发展署(UNDP)2009年发表报告估计:“亚洲每年约有9600万名女性因遭杀害、堕胎、疏于照顾从这个世界上“消失”,该数字似乎还以绝对值在不断上升。“ 生命的绝对生命权利,来源于对生命尊严的敬畏。《世界伦理宣言》规定四项伦理底线:”不许杀人,不许欺骗,不许奸淫,不许偷盗。“ 然而传统观念依然变相剥夺人们的生命,尤其是女性的生命。