A World Beyond 《超越现世》 Wood 2012 100x80x60cm
20. March 2016
According to Daniel Karniman, Thinking Fast and Slow, he defines the intuition is opposite of rationality, which belongs to sensational parts of human. My definition of art, art is the suggestion of a world beyond, which transcendent our daily life. Just as the work shows, the finger of a hand point to the center of annual ring, which symbolizes the intention of transcendence the time and space. The hole of the bigger part of wood point to another direction, which also suggest the limitation of our daily experience and consciousness.
根据丹尼尔卡尼曼的《思考快与慢》一书,他定义直觉与理性相对应,属于人类意识当中感性的部分。个人对于艺术的定义:艺术即是另一个世界存在的喻示,一种超越现世的存在。 正如作品显示:一只手指指向有机形态树木的年轮,喻示着时间与空间的穿越。树干的另一头指向另一个方向,同样解释了“艺术是另一个世界存在的喻示”。 艺术的功能既是一个可以超越现世逻辑与功能,达到更高精神层次的预示,同时提示着我们所认知的经验与意识的局限性。